Saturday, December 23, 2006

The "Backyard"

These are pictures labelled The Backyard. Exciting? No. I'm assuming they are from the land in Tewksbury that my parents used to build their first house.

UPDATE: I'm up here with my Mom and she's teling me that this first picture is of the backyard in Tewksbury... they had to cut all of the trees by hand. They built their house by hand, living in a tar paper shack until the basement was completed, then they moved the shack over on top of the basement and they lived in that as they built up their house around them... and I think I have problems!

This is another picture of the backyard that shows a stone wall they were building, a hand made ladder my Dad fashioned and a burn barrel used to dispose of garbage. The boulders and rocks were actually dug out from where the basement was built and on the left hand side you can see a stack of cinder blocks that were to be used for the basement walls.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

1964 - Richmond Airport

Here's the family, pre my existence, at the Richmond Airport.

L ro R: Loretta, Steven, Marie, Mary, Paul, Mom, Charles, John