Friday, May 23, 2008

Messenger CD Documentary

I've been asked to document the creation of our Lifeteen Band Messenger's first CD. I'll be keeping pics and progress on the project over at the Sonlight Pictures Blog.

Pete behind the camera.

Jim and Chilton rock the house... literally.

The ever-wacky Tiffany and her patient mother, Cathy.

They're a band choc-full-o talent, so we're all looking forward to the final product.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nerd Test Results

Inspired by my brother Charles' entry, I too took a Nerd Test. The results are below... says I'm a Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

I'm officially less of a Nerd than Charles. I can't imagine what my brother Paul's score would be. Can it go over 100%?