Thursday, September 11, 2008

Purgatory, USA - Opening

Here's a sneak peak of the 30 second opening of Purgatory, USA. Those who signed up as a Sonlight Picture Angel got a sneak peek of this a few weeks ago. Click on the link below...

Click on Pic for Opening

Happy viewing.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Novena Starts Today

We're starting our 54 Day Novena for the Elections today. I created a "cause" on Facebook and have about 20 more people who have joined up to say it with us. God bless technology :)

So, we're praying that the Lord's will be done in the presidential election. I hope that we can remain in God's graces and protection. So many have politically positioned themselves to make Christianity exclusive of government instead of inclusive. If we keep asking God to leave us alone, one day he'll say Yes.

I don't want to be here on that day.

Let us pray that His will, His grace, His guidance and His peace lead all voters to God's preferred outcome.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Purgatory, USA: 4 + 8 = 12

It appears the Lord wants us to make 12 episodes of Purgatory, USA. We have eight more to go. You can read more over at Sonlight Pictures Blog.

That means I have a lot of writing to do. Time to get started.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Why it's the right time for McCain

John McCain is a maverick from top to bottom. To me, that means he does a lot I like and a lot I don't. But after watching the national conventions, I realized that this is the right time for John McCain.

Washington, DC is broken. Congress has become so partisan, it has become immobile, as with the Democratic led congress. Or so entrenched with special interests as to become ineffective at solving the real problems facing us, as with the Republican led congress.

Things need a shake-up. A reformer. A change.

Both Presidential candidates offer change, but change in and of itself holds as much potential for bad as it does good. The reality comes down to this...

Obama = Socialism
McCain = Capitalism

Obama continues to take swipes at successful people and successful companies as if the hard work required to become such a success is something to be avoided. His comments are consistently anti-capitalism and pro-socialism, or redistribution of wealth.

McCain thinks the private sector can solve all of our nation's problems if the government would simply get out of the way. He believes we have the brightest minds in the world and the American ingenuity to overcome that to which we collectively put our mind.

McCain reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt, in a way. He's a brash man who will shake things up and hold congress and power brokers accountable to the American people. He said that, if a bill arrives on his desk with pork attached, he'll not only veto the bill but promised he'll let America know who's requesting the excess... he said he'd "make them famous."

That's what we need.

We're at a tipping point in our country, where we will reclaim our capitalistic roots or fall victim to the European socialist model.

And Sarah Palin has the opportunity to redefine feminism... a feminist who embraces all that it is to be a woman, including her own fertility.

This is such an important election, not because of the two people running, per se, but because of where the country will end up four to eight years later.

So, before the election I will begin a 54 day novena that the Lord's will be done. I'll pray 27 days in petition and 27 days in thanksgiving.

I hope all of you can join me in this effort.

UPDATE: We'll start the 54 Day Novena Wednesday 9/10/08.
We'll be praying for the Lord's will to be done in the election.