Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Novena Starts Today

We're starting our 54 Day Novena for the Elections today. I created a "cause" on Facebook and have about 20 more people who have joined up to say it with us. God bless technology :)

So, we're praying that the Lord's will be done in the presidential election. I hope that we can remain in God's graces and protection. So many have politically positioned themselves to make Christianity exclusive of government instead of inclusive. If we keep asking God to leave us alone, one day he'll say Yes.

I don't want to be here on that day.

Let us pray that His will, His grace, His guidance and His peace lead all voters to God's preferred outcome.


Cricket said...

I remember with the election of George W. many prayed His will be done. Then came 9/11. Is there any doubt His will was done?

Pete Bauer said...

Definitely not.

Anonymous said...

Wanted to let you know that Bob and I will be praying with you throughout these 54 days in our morning and evening prayers

Love ya