Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm Officially Out of the Wedding Video Biz

Poor Merrill. I shot her wedding video in November and she still doesn't have a copy. I put the footage onto my computer a few months ago, but since then its been collecting digital dust.

With church and kids and little league and Sonlight Pictures, oh, yeah, and work, I have almost no free hours left in my day.

I was always the go-to guy in the family for shooting a wedding video. Hec, even did a few for people at work! And I was happy to do it.

But, the work doesn't end on the wedding day, it begins. There is getting the footage into the computer, editing it all together, making a DVD of the ceremony, mailing the DVD, keeping a backup, etc. etc. Not hard things to do, mind you, just very time consuming.

My goal is to get Merrill and Jeff's wedding video done by July 4th. With work and Gabe beginning All-Stars, that could be problematic. At the very latest, I promise to get them a copy before their first anniversary. Pathetic, yes. Reality? Probably.

Sadly, their's will be my last family wedding video. One of my younger nieces or nephews will have to pick up the mantle and carry on the tradition.

For me, it will be a nice, refreshing change to actually sit with my family during the ceremony and soak in the event, instead of worry about framing and audio and lighting and continuity. I can't wait for the next wedding when I can simply squeeze my wife's left hand as another family member starts their married life together.

Then I can turn and wave to the camera.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Club God - Compression Woes Fixed

After more tweaking and Blip.TV I was able to get a VASTLY better version of Club God on the web. Now when people go to, it is substantially better!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Club God - Compression Woes

This whole compressing a high-def short and crunching it down to some web-capable viewing is painful. It’s like taking a painting by Monet and the only way you could share it with the world is to show it on an etch-a-sketch.

But, it is what it is.

What has surprised me, however, is the problem with audio syncing during this process. Both God Tube and Vimeo have audio drag in various sections. Facebook is the closest so far at keeping things accurate, but even it drifts a bit.

Frustrating. But a good learning experience.

Club God - Now Online

From the Sonlight Pictures Blog website...

Okay, I got Club God up at God Tube and Facebook and Vimeo. You Tube is being a pain in my tookis because they won't allow files longer than 10 minutes. Since Club God is 14 minutes long, well, I now have to split it up into two parts and then upload it.

To make things simple, I’ve created a webpage called If you go there I will embed the best quality version I can get. I’ll keep playing around with compression and uploading. Right now the winner is Vimeo. I’m not overly happy with it, but I may be able to upload a better quality in the near future.

In any event, we all know how these things work. We need to SPREAD THE WORD.

So, if you like the movie, please go to God Tube and Facebook and Vimeo and rate the film highly so we can get more hits, more interest and more viewers.

Pope John Paul II called all of us to take the media back for Jesus Christ. You can do your small part by getting more people to watch this film. It’s only a mouse click, an email message and/or a rating away.

And, as always, keep us in your prayers! We need ‘em!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obama Wants Federal Law Mandating Unrestricted Abortions

If he becomes president, candidate Barrack Obama wants to implement a bill he co-sponsored called the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which would federally mandate unrestricted abortions and override any state's individual laws on the matter. Any state that would not comply with FOCA would be punished.

Now THAT'S freedom, isn't it folks? Ignore the individual wills of the people within the states and force them to do what you want. So Orwellian.

You can read about it here at Lifesite News.

Republicans strongly believe that states should be able to manage themselves. Democrats feel they, at the federal level, know better than state governors, mayors, representatives, senators... oh yeah, and the people!

Obama spews the word "change" so often you'd think he invented it. Granted, a change in Washington would be good. But, what change is he talking about? Change for change sake can be very bad, very dangerous.

What a socialist control freak.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


It occurred to me, upon my father's passing this past Christmas, that since I was the last of eight children I will probably be attending all of my siblings' funerals.

This is not going to be easy. And, as the Bauer clan thins, it will more than likely be left up to me to give the Eulogy.

In order to expedite the process and, in typical Bauer humor fashion, I've created a Mad-Lib version of a Eulogy, I like to call Madulogy.


It is an honor to be with you all today.

As you know (name) was a (adjective) and (verb) (noun). To me, (he/she) was simply (noun). My first memory of (name) was when (he/she) and I went to the (noun) to (verb) the (noun). We had so many (adjective) (nouns)! What a great (man/woman/person)! I’ll never forget it.

(Name) was perhaps best known for (his/her) ability to (talent). Whenever I found myself in a (noun) with (adverb) (verb) (noun), I would only have to think back to their (talent) and it would make me (verb).

(Name) will be missed. (He/She/It) will be survived by (number) (children/pets/books). Their dedication to (church/club/on-line community) is (adjective) to all of the (noun) with which (he/she) interacted on a (time frame) basis. As a matter of fact, (name's friend's name) came up to me the other day and mentioned that without (name)’s help with the (effort) for the (church/club/on-line community) the (flag pole/park bench/parish center/art gallery/new mailbox) would not have been possible. (Name) was a (noun) among (noun)… a (adjective) (presupposition) (tangent) (exclamation).

All of you here this (time of day) know what I mean.

(Name) is (verb) (adjective) (noun) (planet). Their (noun) is a (verb) (adjective) (liquid) (pronoun) that will (airline) (cousin’s first pet) (astrological symbol) until (time frame) and (mammal) (favorite beverage) (pronoun) (noun) (inseam) (sub-conscious symbolism) is finally (metal beginning with the letter ‘P’) (adjective) (adverb) (verb) (birth weight) (noun).

(He/She) may be gone, but they will never be (shoe size) (verb) (imaginary friend’s uncle’s teacher’s street address).

As (name) used to say to me whenever we (verb)… (verb) you.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Club God Premiere

We had a successful Club God premiere at our house the other night. In all we had about twenty-five people crammed into our small screening room including one of the lead actors, Brian Shea.

Also in attendance, Father Mike came along with the Kelley's and enjoyed the film. The Miller family, the Church family, Tim and his kids, along with DC's friends, Mary and Kelly all squeezed into the house.

Now we have to finish preparing the film for distribution.

Pete holding the first DVD copy of Club God

A fun and successful night. Thanks to all who attended.