Saturday, January 14, 2006

Screenplay Memories

I like to write screenplays... it keeps my creative side of my mind in check. Many years ago I was trying to figure out a short film I could shoot with available resources... paintball was a new fun thing and would allow me to shoot a short film with gunplay, but without having to spend money on buying a bunch of fake guns, blanks, etc.

So, for days I'm mulling over ways to use paintball in a short film. I was sitting on the couch with my wife and an idea finally struck me. I turned to her and said "what if terminally ill people had to play a version of paintball where the paintballs are filled with poison and the lone winner of the game gets the last available antidote for their illness?"

My wife paused and looked at me in horror and said "Who ARE you?"

That's the price of being married to a screenwriter. Our job is to come up with unique ideas, which can often be very odd and don't necessarily represent the tastes of the writer.

At that point, however, my wife didn't care. She just thought I was sick in the head.

By the way, the short film never got past the idea stage.

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