Thursday, June 01, 2006

Proof Media Loves Bashing Christ, Hates Supporting Him

We knew it was only a matter of time before the blatant bias of the media against Christianity would rear its big, ugly and powerful head. The media severely criticized Mel Gibson for his biblically accurate account of the scourging, death and resurrection of Jesus at the hands of a Roman crucifixion, calling it anti-Semetic (even though all of the heroes were Jews... i.e., Jesus) and calling him an extremist for making The Passon of the Christ.

Then comes The DaVinci Code... a film that basically calls the very existence of Christianity as a lie and do these same media outlets interrogate Dan Brown or Ron Howard? No. Do they attack it's anti-Christian bias? No. They support it and promote it. The same media outlets that were so concerned about offending American Muslims that they didn't show cartoons have no issue with offending millions of Christians by calling their religion a lie.

Sometimes this country makes me sick.

For more stats to back up this blatant anti-Christian mentality, read this great article from Media Research Center HERE.

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