Thursday, July 06, 2006

And I Thought I Was Nuts...

So, I'm nearing the end of my self imposed year long daily blog entry experiment called Surviving in Safety Harbor. Granted, it's been tough to create a daily entry for 365 1/4 days, but very rewarding as well.

If you think writing a blog entry everyday for a year is hard, check out the people at 365 Films, who's goal is to create a short film everyday for a year.

Their "constitution" consists of two articles:

"Article 1: We will be shooting, editing and distributing one new film, everday, for a year.
Article 2: These will be professional, structured, created pieces of cinema that tell a story or explore an issue."

And I thought I was nuts. I can't imagine how difficult it will be to come up with 365 film ideas, implement them, shoot them, edit them and distribute them daily... they must not have jobs.

You can read more about their progress on their website,

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