Thursday, August 24, 2006

Beware of the Hidden Iman Apparently...

An interesting read of an article about current Iranian president Ahmadinejad and why he is more of a threat than we believe in our secular-based world.

Part of the article posted HERE at Daily Mail (UK) states...

As one Iranian exile told me yesterday: 'The trouble with you secular people is that you don't realise how firmly Ahmadinejad believes - literally - in things like the winged horse. By choosing this date for his decision, he is telling his followers that he is going to obey his religious duty.

'And he believes that his religious duty is to create chaos and bloodshed in the "infidel" world, in order to hasten the return of the Mahdi - the Hidden Imam. So don't expect him to behave, in your eyes, "reasonably".'

So who is this Hidden Imam? He was a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed who, at the age of five, disappeared down a well around AD940. He will only return after a period of utter chaos and bloodshed, whereupon peace, justice and Islam will reign worldwide.

Never thought I should be afraid of a Hidden Iman, but I guess so. We, as citizens in this country, need to understand our potential enemies much better than we currently do. How can we make intelligent decisions if we don't understand the driving forces behind other countries decisions, such as religion, economics, internal politics?

I find it interesting that the countries Bush labelled years ago (and was heavily criticized) as part of the Axis of Evil; North Korea, Iran and Syria seem to be living up to their billing.

Politically, we long for leadership with the strength of Roosevelt or Churchill, but in today's environment we would never support anyone who would state such strong opinions. The idea that everyone has to like us is an insane political position. They should leave us alone and try not to kill us. If they do that while hating us, I'm okay with it.

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