Friday, April 27, 2007


We were very blessed to have DC confirmed last night. It was a wonderful night, even though both DC and I were under the weather. Uncle Tim was her sponsor and the Bishop gave a moving homily, reading a letter from a woman soldier in Iraq who was confirmed four years prior.

Charles, Chaz and Elizabeth, along with Nonny and Poppy came for the event. It was a very nice and blessed evening.

DC and Father Mike

Tim and DC


George said...

Congratulations on DC's confirmation. It's hard to believe how old and big she is.

That really means we're getting up there in years as well. You and I have the gray, but why doesn't Tim?

Take care. Write when you can. I'm on YouTube under dzneyegeo

George H. :-)

Pete Bauer said...

I searched for dzneyegeo and nothing came back on YouTube. Weird.

Tim is getting gray... he's just slow about it.

Good to hear from you George!