Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Netflix Movies On-Demand

The future of television is on our doorstep. The merging of the internet and downloadable content to your television is fast approaching. You'll hear often about ITunes and ITV from Apple, but I think one of the major players in all of this will be Netflix. They changed the movie rental paradigm by offering no late fees and access to blockbusters to independents and just about everything in between.

Now, as a FREE part of my subscription I can watch over 2000 movies online in full screen for free.

I just go to the website where I normally determine which DVD will be mailed to me next and now all I have to do is hit the Watch Now button, select a movie and hit play and wallah, the movie starts showing on my computer. Amazing.

Eventually, such a service will be viewed on my television as opposed to my computer screen, but the fact that I can watch movies in great quality whenever I want is pretty amazing stuff.

If I want to see Casablanca RIGHT NOW, I can. Or North by Northwest. Or Chinatown. Or A Streetcar Named Desire. All available immediately.

Sometimes, technology rocks.

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