Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy 83rd Year on the Planet, Dad!

My father turns 83 today. Happy birthday, my father. My dad's greatest passion, other than golf, of course, is children. He has the rare talent, gift really, of being able to identify with children, to get down on their level and communicate with them. I am grateful that he has passed that along to me.

I love going home and playing with my children. I loved making "tea" with my daughter when she was four or rough-housing with my son. I've been Ken to my daughter's Barbie and I've been Darth Vader to my son's Luke Skywalker. And I have enjoyed every minute.

Thanks Dad, for sharing your adulthood with my childhood so that I may do the same with my kids.

Have a GREAT birthday, Pops.


Anonymous said...

Dad loved it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about? Were you raised in the same house as us?


Just kidding... I still have the kids try to pull me off the couch, make human sandwiches (now I'm the bottom piece of bread), and crawl around like a horse with them.

Thanks Dad for teaching us how to be a dad.

Love ya,

Mary K Smith said...

When I was growing up, dad was the best father in the neighborhood. Everyone knew it. He was the spiritual leader of the family, a great teacher, lots of fun, and very proud of his family. He was the only father who came to watch our softball team compete. It was a mixture of pride and embarrassment for me when dad would say, "A little bingo out there!" I always knew that he loved me and that he was very proud of me. His sacrifice and hard work affected our choices and therefore he is a major reason we have good marriages and have raised our children in the church. I love you dad! (and mom, too.) Thank you, thank you, thank you.