Monday, August 20, 2007

High School Starts Tomorrow

My daughter enters high school tomorrow. She's nervous. My wife is a wreck. We're going out to dinner tonight as a calm-before-the-storm celebration.

I doubt my daughter gets a good nights sleep. I'm certain my wife won't. I'm not as worried as those two, but I'm not sure if I'll sleep well either... their nervousness and anxiety is making me nervous.

So, we'll see how it goes...


Anonymous said...

Chances are you'll have a great day. Chances are you'll make several friends.
AND chances are after you graduate from high school you won't see but four or five in the years to come.So don't sweat it, DC. Take it from one who only kept in touch with ONE friend after high school. NO BODY ELSE LIKED ME. I THINK SHE OFFERED IT UP. LOVE GMA

Paul said...

Hang on Pete and Dea. From what we can tell, those four years are going to be over in a flash.

Ramsey Days said...

Hope things go well for DC today. I completely agree w/ Gma...I had a lot of friends in high school, BUT have ONLY kept in touch with one girl ( clarissa)--the rest of my friends are from college. yourself, dont worry about too much--and have fun. I love ya!

Cricket said...

I'm sure it was a great day full of new friends and lots of introductions Hope all wait well. Pete and Dear-put on the seat belts.