Monday, August 27, 2007

Thr3e (2006)

Thr3e is the best Fox Faith film I've watched so far. More of a pyschological thriller than a Christian film, Thr3e revolves around a college student being stalked by a murderer who uses riddles and impossible time lines to torment his victims.

The college student, Kevin Parsons, played solidly by Marc Blucas, comes from a severely dysfunctional family, but has overcome his past to excel in school. He's in the process of getting a doctorate in theology, writing a thesis on the nature of good and evil. At this point the riddle stalker enters his life demanding he confess his sins or else he will die.

Along for the ride is Detective Jennifer Peters, played by Justine Wadell, who was a previous victim of the riddle stalker, trying to assist Parsons through his torment. Parson's childhood sweetheart, Samantha, played by Laura Jordan, also comes to his aide.

The film's faith based storyline is largely ignored, to be honest. The story includes having to confess your sins, good vs. evil and the like, but these are more plot constructs than weighty issues. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it should be mentioned.

The script, based on the book by Ted Dekker, moves very quickly and keeps you guessing. The direction by Robby Henson is overly claustrophobic in the beginning, with tight shots and moving cameras, but the style eventually fits the material as the riddle stalker enters Parson's life.

Entertaining, well made and satisfying, Thr3e is a solid and accomplished entry into the Fox Faith library. I hope the films only get better from here.

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