Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Clearplay DVD Player - Get It

If you have kids under 17 and love movies, you should get the Clearplay DVD player, period.

I was walking through Target and saw the Clearplay DVD on sale for under $60 and decided to take a chance on it. The way the Clearplay DVD player works is simple and brilliant. You download and install filters for the movies you want to watch. These filters can eliminate foul language, violence, sex, blasphemy and nudity as well as such things as dishonoring parents, dishonoring the flag, or even mushiness.

How does it eliminate these things? Simple. The filters have documented when these potentially offensive material appears on screen and will either skip it or, if it's language, mute it. When you load in the DVD it recognizes the movie and asks if you want to watch it for Normal viewing (no filters) or Clearplay viewing (with filters).

This does not break any copyright laws because the original content is available for viewing and the filtering process does not alter the original content.

The system comes with over 2000 filters with the purchase of the DVD player. To have access to new filters created for the latest DVD releases, a membership is required. The DVD player included a 40% off coupon and for an annual membership, so I ponied up and paid an additional $50 for a years supply of latest filters. All told, I spent just over $100 and will be able to watch with my kids just about any DVD I receive from Netflix.

Right after opening it up, I downloaded the filter for Wedding Crashers and sat down to watch it with my 14 year old daughter. I picked Wedding Crashers on purpose because there is a LOT of ranchy stuff in that film.

The DVD player asked me if I wanted to watch it with or without the Clearplay filters. I chose Clearplay filters and DVD player skipped and muted as promised. And, to top it all off, the movie is still very funny without all of that material. Granted, its intended to have a sexual-romp aspect to it and those parts are funny for adults, but I was both amazed and delighted to see that I could watch such a flick with my kids and know that they were going to see anything I wasn't comfortable with them seeing.

So, if you have kids, I strongly suggest you invest a few dollars into this product. For years I've heard parents complain about the trash Hollywood puts out and how parents can't control what their kids see. Well, Clearplay solves a lot of those problems. Support the company and help your family.

You can see a demo and get more information at the Clearplay website, located at


Ramsey Days said...

WOW now that is a great invention!!!


Paul said...

I wonder if it would be funny if you programmed it to play just the rauchy stuff?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how the Maiden Voyage video would fair under Clearplay?

PS. Paul's a dork.

Pete Bauer said...

No, Paul, that would be called LeerPlay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Before you even read this, let me make this perfectly clear. I didn't sign, raunchy Ketlevin. It was...your mis-spelling of the word "raunchy". Ketlevin

Pete Bauer said...

Raunchy Ketlevin... that explains a lot.

Paul said...

It is sad that this conversation has degraded into name-calling. While my brilliant writing style allows my initial comment to be read two ways, my question was sincere. In Pete's blog (if you read it), he stated that the movie was just as funny without the raunchy stuff. I took that statement and turned it around to suggest that the raunchy parts of the film aren't funny as a separate entity and therefore never needed to be in the film in the first place. Read between the lines people.

PS The comment-entry program needs a spell checker.

Pete Bauer said...

Most of the rauchy and raunchy stuff is funny as well. The offensive language, however, adds nothing to the humor.

Anonymous said...

While my initial reaction is one of disgust that such a thing would exist, on reflection, it could be a good thing. I mean in principle.

If it gets all the lazy "OH WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" -type parents to SHUT THE HELL UP, I'm all for this thing.

It won't, though. I wish it would, but it won't.