Thursday, September 20, 2007

Satan's Greatest Victory

I have always felt that abortion is truly the work of Satan, the prince of lies. Who else could mastermind, over a few generations, the complete alteration in public views on motherhood in such a way that chopping up the child growing inside it's own mother is a good idea?

In the greatest hypocrisy in human history, Amnesty International now actually considers abortion a human right!

Can you believe that? What is more evil than to define a human right that requires the killing of other human beings? Amazing. And devastating.

It occurred to me today, in a new way, just how unnatural and evil abortion truly is...

When you have a child and hold that child in your arms for the first time, everything changes inside your heart and you realize that you would give up EVERYTHING for that child, you'd even die, if need be.

With abortion, however, I realized that a woman demands her own child die so she doesn't have to give up ANYTHING.

Only Satan could pull of such a sleight of hand. He's been around since the beginning of time and he's obviously really good at his job.

God help us all.


Ramsey Days said...

Yes, it is absolutely disgusting!

After having my own children, it is even harder to imagine that someone could do such a horrible thing.

Very very sad.

Cricket said...

Well said Pete. Here's what I don't get - The difference between killing a baby in the womb and killing one outside the womb in our society. With abortion, the first is 'ok' and the second is murder. It's as if the baby in the mothers womb is not human which has been argued successfully in our courts because the early stages of a HUMAN fetus' growth resembles other animals here on earth. Really now. So what they are proclaiming is that a woman that has been inseminated by a man will give birth to a non-human. Ludicrous! So what would it be? An elephant? A horse? Not! Killing a baby in the womb is MURDER, plain and simple. It should be punishable by imprisonment. As you have said, Satan has done his job well for sure. Those lost souls will be the end of him ultimately.