Friday, October 05, 2007

Dali Museum

I'm ashamed to say that I've lived almost my entire life in the Tampa Bay area and had never visited the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg... until last week.

As part of our daughter's required support of the arts outside of school, we spent a few hours at the Dali Museum and were blown away by the artwork, his passion for religious history and icons, his talent and his growth as an artist.

The kids were often enthralled and occasionally confused, but certainly not bored. The collection of art at the museum is enormous and contains some of his most famous and complex works of art, melting clocks and all.

The museum also gave guides for kids which explain his symbolic use of the aforementioned clocks, ants, grasshoppers and imagery representing the advent of nuclear power.

The Dali bench outside the museum.

Overall, it was a really impressive experience and I suggest you make your way there, if possible.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the Dali Museum is very impressive. Bob and I went there a couple of years ago. We need to go again.


Pete Bauer said...

It's very enlightening... like using parts of your brain you don't normally access in the business world.