Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Club God - Coming Soon!

I sketched out a Christian short called Club God, about God prematurely calling a comedian up to Heaven so he can help God with his stand-up act. It will be the first real production of Sonlight Pictures.

It's about 15 minutes long and covers a lot of simple, theological ground. Plus, it's pretty funny.

We're going to shoot it in April/May after I return from vacation. John Snell and Brian Shea, friends and actors from our film The Box, have agreed to be in the short. John Snell will play God and Brian Shea will play "Shecky" the comedian.

John and Brian on the set of The Box.

We'll be shooting the short at the Cinema Cafe in Clearwater, the location of The Box premiere. We have four hours to shoot fifteen pages, so it will be a race to be sure.

I'll have more pics and vids in the coming weeks. We'll post it on YouTube and GodTube when it is completed.

Pray for us. We'll need it!


Paul said...

Good luck and God Bless. Work hard and let the Spirit work through you. We know that God has a sense of humor... look at Mom.

Pete Bauer said...

LOL. Funny, my first slogan wasn't "A Short of Biblical Proportions" but instead "Club God. Where Creation IS the Punchline!" Maybe I could fine tune that a bit "Club God. Where Mom IS the Punchline!" :)

Anonymous said...

He sure does have a sense of humor, look at all her children.