Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Merrill's Alter-Ego Identified

My niece, Merrill, recently took a job position in Tampa. In Sunday's newspaper she was pictured twice, once as Merrill Stewart and another as Michael Nielson.

Now that I think about it, that actually explains a lot!

Click on the pic below for a bigger image and see for yourself.

Click on me!

Do any of you have any Merrill Stewart, err, Michael Nielson stories you'd like to share?


Paul said...

Looks like Dad's spirit is working over at the paper.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of Merrill-Michael stories but would probably be disowned by my family if I told them. Nothing like getting your face in the paper twice!

Anonymous said...

Apparently Michael Nielson was not a good looking guy. I think they needed cute face to fill the spot. Yes...Im humble.