Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Novena... Nearing Mid-Point

A 54-Day Novena is split into two halves... 27 days in petition and 27 days in thanksgiving for the answer, even if it is no or not what you wanted/expected. We're nearing the mid-point of the Novena for God's Will to occur in the US Presidential Elections.

It occurred to me the other day, as DC and I were praying the Novena, that perhaps God's Will is to chastise us.

Now, wouldn't that stink?


Anonymous said...

Just look at the morals of our country. Would you blame Him? Turning to Him after 911 didn't last long. When is the last time you heard "God Bless America"?

Anonymous said...

Um, we sing "God Bless America" at the the 7th inning stretch of baseball games. We hear "God blessed this state of Alaska with natural gas and oil" (Palin). We hear "God" more than we hear "love thy neighbor". We hear "God" more than we hear "Freedom".