Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Latest Debate

I just watched the latest debate. Boring. Uninspiring.

These are the best two candidates? Really?


I don't like either candidate, but I like Obama less... and he'll win.

Hello higher taxes, hello bigger government, hello Freedom of Choice Act which overrides any state laws on abortion, hello socialism, hello ultra-liberal judges, hello national health care, hello inexperienced Commander-in-Chief in the most dangerous time in modern history...

...hello scary times.


Anonymous said...

Hey! remember our 54 day rosary novena. Whomever God wants in the White house!We are now on the road to thanking Him for his decision.

Pete Bauer said...

Yup, we are. I have faith. Doesn't mean I have to like God's decision. Doesn't mean I don't think He's right, I just won't like it initially. :)

Cricket said...

The day Obama shakes Ahmadinejad hand I will puke! Armageddon can not be far off!

Anonymous said...

Yes and it is time for all of us to buy a hand gun while it is still legal.

Anonymous said...

I just wish they'd answer the questions. I could see the confusion on some of the people's faces, just waiting for an answer to their question. Instead, they got the sambe babble we've been hearing all along. If I hear, one more time, that it was all the Rep. fault, I'll....actually, I don't know what I'll do. Three times the Rep. tried to get some action on Fannie and Freddy and three times, they were outvoted. Even when Greenspan cautioned Congress on the danger of continuing with what F&F were up to, he was ignored. I think we will all keep a closer watch on what goes on in Washington. Ma

Anonymous said...

Haha what an uplifting post. We're already Socialists. Public schools, public roads, public mail, public protection from fire, public protection from crime, etc. etc. etc.

Just like in sports you're never as good as you think you are (see Florida Gators 2007) and you're never as bad as you think you are (see Tampa Bay Rays 2008), the country is never in as good or bad shape as we think.

Keep loving the family and living the dream, Petey. Who knows how much time you have left to do so. Politics is too depressing to get hung up on (as your post proves).