Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Power of Editing

A recent scientific study has proven that artful film editing can have a potent effect on your brain. In a study by NYU neuroscientists, they studied the effect of different editing styles on your brain through MRI, fMRI and ISC analysis.

The subjects were shown various editing styles (Hitchcock Presents Bang! You're Dead, The Good The Bad and the Ugly, Curb Your Enthusiasm and unstructured reality footage).

It turns out Hitchcock's cinematic editing style had, by far, the most impact on the brain, effecting 65% of the neocortex.

It just goes to show you that good editing really does work.

In reaction to the study, a filmmaker recut Toy Story 2 to match the Dark Knight editing style and made a brilliant alternate version of the Toy Story 2 film.

Check it out. Regular def below. High def here.


Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting!


Anonymous said...

I watched the clip you posted with Uncle Paul and Jonathan. We were cracking up! I can't imagine how long that took to put together...