Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wheel O' Opportunity

One of the things that I miss from my "youth" is the feeling that anything is possible, that the world is conquerable. As we get older and reality and responsibilities take their rightful place in our priority list, conquering the world seems far less important than just conquering the day that lies ahead of you.

But, that feeling that the world was full of a million opportunities just waiting for you to decide which path you were going to take... it was invigorating and exciting.

The challenge for me now, with a family and the need for health insurance and a steady income, is to find those intriguing opportunities in the limited scope of risk that I'm willing to take. I'm not willing to choose a path that will put my family, health insurance or income in jeopardy. But, we need to fight the possibility of life becoming stagnate.

The reality is that I'm still young and I still have a couple of hundred thousand opportunities in front of me and its my job, through prayer and discussion with my family to determine which opportunities, which challenges I'm willing to take on in an effort to improve myself and improve our lives.

1 comment:

Pete Bauer said...

I've been struggling with my artistic vs. corporate roles in my life for 10 years now... I'm sure it will continue for the rest of my life, or until I can get someone to pay me to do what I love for a living.