Wednesday, December 07, 2005

12/7... the day before 9/11

Sixty-four years ago today we were forced into World War II. An unprovoked attack on our country, killing thousands, led to hundreds of thousands of men entering the service to sacrifice their lives for this country. The media was behind it. The politicians were behind it. The people were behind it. The battle and casualties racked up for four years, but we kept our focus on the prize and were willing to pay the ultimate price for obtaining our objectives.

To those men and women who risked it all so that I may live in a country and have the freedom to be entering this blog today... thank you.

I look at how our country reacts to the unfortunate necessity of war today and it goes to show me that we don't have the stomach for fighting for our beliefs and securing our freedoms.

Boy, how things have changed.

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