Tom DeLay spoke at a conference of Christian pastors called Vision America who's mission, according to the Houston Chronicle, is to "mobilize 'patriot pastors' of all denominations to promote Christian involvement in government."
DeLay, the one-time majority house leader and a speaker at the conference, said, "we have been chosen to live as Christians at a time when our culture is being poisoned. ... God made us specifically for it. ... Jesus Christ himself made us just so that we could live in this nation at this time."
Interesting words. Encouraging. If Christians are offended by the changes occurring in our society, they can chose to feel victimized or empowered to do something about it. DeLay is encouraging all Christians to believe that part of their purpose may be to fight this moral fight.
Never quite thought of it that way. Granted, I sure do a lot of complaining about things on this blog, but the idea of being here "at this time" to deal with these moral challenges... well, it puts a little more meat behind the feeling that we should stand up for what we believe in.
I remember my Dad and I having a discussion about morals and government when I was a teenager. He said something to the effect that this country is going to reflect someone's moral beliefs. If you care enough, you should make sure it reflects your's.
So, like in the 60's, our country is facing a moral crossroads and we're, collectively, going to have to decide which path we're going to take and live with the consequences of that choice for generations to come.
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