Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Welcome to Lent

Today we kick off the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday and begin our fasting and sacrifice for the next 40 days. The purpose of this sacrifice is not to punish ourselves, but to remove those things that are dear to us here on this planet so that we can make God our primary focus. If you love watching television, then giving up television and using that time to reconnect with God is a healthy exercise. It is not a punishment, but an opportunity. Giving up television and not using that opportunity to focus on our Lord is a waste of the sacrifice. The sacrifice should be tied to an action that brings you closer to God.

So, to those of you fasting today, do it quietly and humbly and offer it up to God. Let your Lenten sacrifices bring you closer to God, culminating with the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord on Easter.

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