Saturday, April 22, 2006

I'm In The Spotlight!

Lisa Ciurro has a blog called Tampa Film Fan. She's claims to be neither a scholar nor critic, just a rabid film fan. Her website has grown into the focal point for all things artistic in Tampa Bay. She stumbled across my website a few months ago and asked if she could spotlight my efforts.

Well, that spotlight appeared today at her website. I check her blog daily and was initially freaked to see my name there, but her article is very complimentary.

Thanks Lisa!!!!

Check it out!


Carol (a.k.a. Lady Wordsmith) said...

I'll have to thank Lisa for stearing me (and the rest of the Tampa Bay art and film loving community)to your site. In the meantime, I'll give you kudos for your site. No wonder she highlighted you. She's got a keen eye.

lisa said...

Thank you for the compliments and for being my "test subject" for my "In The Spotlight" interview series. I hope you're happy with how it turned out. I'm sorry that it took me forever to finally publish it!

Hopefully we'll get to meet in person one day. :)