Monday, April 17, 2006

Lord's Lotto

As my daughter and I drove to the supermarket to pick up some groceries, we passed a lottery billboard stating that $64 million was one ticket away from all of us.

My daughter wondered aloud what it would be like to win such a large sum of money. I mentioned that it's up to the Lord if we win the lottery. So, after we finished shopping we went up to purchase a new group of lotto tickets. While waiting for my new tickets to be purchased I placed my old tickets under a scanner that lets you know if you won or not.

One of my tickets said "Winner - See Retailer." The cashier looked a little stunned and told us we had four out of six numbers right on a previous lottery game. We won $85.00. Cool. Our grocery bill was $83.00.

As we walked out of to the car, I looked at my daughter with concern and said "I hope the Lord knew we were talking about winning the $64 million lotto, not 85 bucks from a previous one!"

We both laughed, grateful that we won anything at all. The Lord does have a sense of humor and if you don't ask for specifics, he'll fill in the blanks for you. We tithed 10% into the church collection on Easter and found that no one won the $64 million prize.

I knew I should have been more specific!

The lotto is up to $82 million now. I'll remember to be very detailed in my prayers next time. :)

1 comment:

Cricket said...

Speaking of having a room of their own I remember having Christina, Chris, Michael and Brianna over our house for a couple of days while Betty and Charles got away to procreate somemore. We knew Brianna and Steph would sleep together, our boys and thier boys would sleep together so we decided that with Christina's age at the time, she should have a room to herself. When presented with the room she said, "What? A room to myself? You have got to be kidding? This is wonderful?" We told her she deserved it and she said, "You know I won't know what to do with all this room." Personally I was still inwardly embarrassed because she was getting our smallest bedroom!