Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm A Loser

I forgot to call my mother on her 80th birthday. The woman who bore me, raised me, loved me and fed me. The woman from whom I've inherited her sense of humor, who's eyes I look through and who's voice I adore.

That woman, when she turned 80, did not get a call from me, her youngest, her "baby."

How much of a loser am I?

I suck. It's official.


c.a.b. said...

I think we are starting a youngest-child-forgetfulness-trend. My dad called me on Father's Day to remind me to wish him a happy F-Day. How embarrasing! I still feel awful about it even though we joked around. Ah well, who the heck does he think he is, being born within 3 days of Father's Day?

Pete Bauer said...

LOL - See, Ma, that's where I get my sense of humor. I really am sorry. I'll make it up to you.

Catherine - excellent tactic to turn it on John. That's college thinking. :)