Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Turning 80

I was thinking, on my drive in to work today, about my mother turning 80 years old (and how I forgot to call her and how painfully sorry I am about that and how guilty I feel and that I'm a shmuck... I could go on for hours).

But, to the point of this entry, now both my parents are 80+, they've been married 60 years and have about a billion kids and grandkids.

On my drive in today I was trying to understand what it must be like to be 80. I'm 40 years old now... well, 40 and 1/2. That means 80 is another complete lifetime for me.

After college I've found my life to be on a much more accelerated timeframe. As a child, time seemed slower, every year meant a major milestone. After college, upon entering the workforce and starting a family, time sped up.

In a blink of any eye I find my daughter is almost 13, my son 9 and my marriage going on 14 years. Now I plan in bulk... in five years we'll be able to do this and in ten years we'll be able to do that. I throw around decades like hours as I try to plan what my life will become.

Does time continue to accelerate? Or does it slow after retirement? Will 60 leap upon me with the same speed as 40 did? Will 80 catch me off guard?

I hope things slow. I hope there comes a time when you can take a moment to breath in reflection and appreciation.

Would sure appreciate our readers thoughts on this.


Paul said...

I saw Robert Duvall on Letterman the other night. He is in his 70s and he made the comment that, for him, time is moving so fast that it always seems to be the Christmas season.

Karl said...

I agree that having children seems to make time rush on by. Every older person I've met has said this:"cherrish it now, it goes by so fast, and you'll wonder where did it all go". I swear I know what you mean. Stay well Bauer. Remember Bauer power :-)