Thursday, June 08, 2006

Jesus Is Offensive

One of the best Christian films I've seen is a movie called Flywheel. Those filmmakers have recently completed a new Christian film called Facing The Giants. They were surprised to find that the MPAA, which officially rates movies before release, gave Giants a PG rating instead of a G because... get this... there's so much Christianity that it may offend some parents. Therefore, they determined, parental guidance is suggested.

You can read more about this story from Scripps Howard News Service.

I think this is a first where parental guidance is required because people will be offended because the film blatantly states that Jesus is the answer to many of our problems in our lives.

Just another sign that the Apocalypse is inevitable. And another sign how God is becoming the exception to our society, no longer the rule.

I fear for the world in which my children will grow up.

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