Friday, June 09, 2006

Goin' Out To Cally - Part 29, Fissure Formation

Our trip up and down the Canyon made me aware of one thing… Sunday was higher maintenance than I expected. Let me be clear, I’m not saying she was high maintenance, only that she was higher maintenance than I expected.

What did I expect? Me, of course.

At that age I expected everyone to look at the world, react to the world, approach the world with the same, casual “let’s have fun and see what happens next” viewpoint.

That’s what makes youth so stupid… ignorant expectations like that.

Tim had a similar approach to life to mine so we were completely compatible. Beth, not as much, but more so than not. In reality, Beth was more responsible and adult in her method, which annoyingly got in the way of Tim and me acting like immature and selfish buffoons. At the time, it seemed inconvenient. In reality, she was the most responsible of the group.

Sunday’s approach, on the other hand, was completely different. She wasn’t being difficult, she was just being her. And we hadn’t known her long enough to anticipate it nor would we have the patience, in the pressure cooker of this trip, to grow to love it.

She was put into this unique and stressful situation by yours truly and was responding to it the only way she could. I’m sure she was equally as frustrated by the fact that our approach to the world didn’t mesh with her own.

The critical areas of which Sunday and the rest of us differed was that Sunday never seemed to have a sense of urgency. Everything seemed to move about five miles slower for her than for us. Quite often we found ourselves waiting for her to catch up. I’m not sure if it was a play for attention or she just moved to a slower drummer than I did.

Plus, she liked to vocally comment on areas or concerns that were not of her liking, no matter if we could have changed the outcome or not. Men like to solve things. That’s what we do. Complaining about something to which we cannot control is equivalent to washing our face with molten lava. It’s extremely painful and requires more patience than is humanly possible.

My problem was that this situation was entirely and completely my fault. One-hundred percent.

What was I thinking asking Sunday to come on the trip when I didn’t really know her very well? I certainly didn’t think through the reality of the effects of taking such a close-quarters, long journey with varying personalities would have on each of us.

I couldn’t and never would blame Sunday.

Our personalities just weren’t mixing as well as I had hoped. Three parts water, one part gasoline… and a match just waiting to be lit.

In the end, the trip up and down the Canyon wall was memorable, but it left us all a little frustrated. More importantly, it started a small crack that, like the Grand Canyon itself, would grow to inconceivable proportions with me trying desperately to straddle it while struggling to keep a firm footing on either side.


Goin' Out To Cally - Part 29, (Text, Audio) Fissure Formation
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 28, (Text, Audio) Upward Immobility
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 27, (Text, Audio) The Long And Winding Road
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 26, (Text, Audio) Waste Not, Arrest Not
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 25, (Text, Audio) Nightlife At The BC
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 24, (Text, Audio) Bedless In Bedrock
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 23, (Text, Audio) Desert Rain
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 22, (Text, Audio) Bedrock City
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 21, (Text, Audio) The Outhouse
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 20, (Text, Audio) Riding The Hump
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 19, (Text, Audio) Bob Hope, Lil’ Debbie And Restless Gods
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 18, (Text, Audio) Unlevel Headed
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 17, (Text, Audio) Starry Night, Confusing Night
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 16, (Text, Audio) Three Beds + Four People = Oh Crap
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 15, (Text, Audio) Masculinity At Stake
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 14, (Text, Audio) Texas: Latin For Shoot Me Now
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 13, (Text, Audio) Cars, Crossroads and Cosmic Convergence
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 12, (Text, Audio) Tumbleweed Dreams
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 11, (Text, Audio) Wet, Rinse, Repeat
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 10, (Text, Audio) Divine Misdirection
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 09, (Text, Audio) Getting Nowhere Fast
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 08, (Text, Audio) The Cock Crows Nine
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 07, (Text, Audio) Is Jackass A Sign?
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 06, (Text, Audio)
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 05, (Text, Audio) The Kiss Of Friendship
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 04, (Text, Audio) Scholastic Intimacy
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 03, (Text, Audio) Space Invaders
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 02, (Text, Audio) The Fourth Wheel
Goin' Out To Cally - Part 01, (Text, Audio) The Seed Planted

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