Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Happy Blog Birthday

I am consistently looking for new ways to challenge myself. A year ago today I challenged myself to write a blog entry everyday for a year.

Well, I did it. On August 15, 2005 I started this little experiment to help restart my writing and have successfully accomplished my goal. During this experiment I was able to capture my humorous experiences with Crohns Disease, I was able to finally put pen to paper and write my Memoir on my trip to California in 1988 and I was able to complete a draft of a Christian action film called Severed. So, the initial reason for the challenge, to get my writing juices flowing again, has been a smashing success.

Through this process I have been surprised at how many people actually visit this site and, beyond that, actually enjoy dropping by. There's my most loyal followers, my parents. My Mom's friend Priscilla. Various brothers and sisters and in-laws and nieces and nephews and other extended family. There are new friends and strangers. And old friends, such as Bill and Mike Beckett as well as George Higby have all recently stumbled across this humble blog.

What an amazing thing. What a wonderful thing.

Now, I am left wondering how to continue. I have had some say to continue to write daily, some to write periodically and, fortunately, no one has yet told me to stop writing all together.

So, I will try to continue to write daily, but I won't make any promises. I have new challenges ahead of me to which I need to focus my time. I need to write three more screenplays in the next year... that's a LOT of writing. I need to shoot a film of some sort... I need my cinematic fix. So, I don't know how consistently I will write here, but I will attempt to do it as close to daily as I can muster.

But I do enjoy the community we've created here. I love the feedback and the conversations and that my simple, humble words have somehow brought a smile or inspired a thought to some of the visitors here.

So, thank you for participating in this experiment. Thank you for your support, your words of encouragement and your continued interaction.

Let's continue to ride this baby for as long as we can.

1 comment:

c.a.b. said...

Hooray! Happy Blog B-day! It has been a pleasure reading about your thoughts and experiences over the past year, and I admire you for completing what you set out to do. Only crazy people can make themselves write every day for a year. :) I look forward to reading more.