Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunny Sunday

This morning, Gabe and I spent the early hours at the ball field. Having had the last two months off, he was very impressive at switch hitting and pitching. The kid has more physical talent in his little finger than I have in my whole body... and I'm no slouch.

We're now trying to figure out if playing in fall ball will benefit him more or if we should spend the money on individual training. We're still looking into it.

Afterwards we got ready and headed over to our friend Hester's house to celebrate getting her Masters in Education. Hester's husband, Bill, is very good friend of mine and helped me construct my movie room. It was good to see them. Unfortunately they have dogs and within an hour DC's alergies kicked in so we had to leave early.

Now we're getting ready for Lifeteen and bible study. I guess that's why you only get to relax in retirement. :)

1 comment:

Pete Bauer said...

One can dream :)