Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stunning Views at Sedona

On our way from the Grand Canyon to Phoenix for Matt's wedding, before our vacation, our friend back in Florida, Cathy Ross, was pretty adamant that we stop and see Sedona. I was not too excited to add another stop on our already busy schedule, but since it is directly between the Canyon and Phoenix, we decided to stay overnight.

Being out west, yet still on east coast time, is a great benefit on vacation. We get up early, do our sight seeing and are usually on to our next destination by lunch. The same held true for today. We left the Canyon and hit Sedona around lunch time. Even though I could have slept a billion hours (suffering from a quite intense head cold), we all ate lunch and headed out to see the sights.

Sedona is one impressive city. The beauty of the landscape is quite unbelievable. It not only impresses you in beauty alone, but it also gives you a better appreciation of the size of the Grand Canyon.

Many thanks to Cathy for suggesting this place.


Picturesque Sedona

More Pics of Sedona

Cathedral Rock

Chapel of the Cross

View from the Chapel of the Cross

The family at the top of Chapel of the Cross.

The view over Sedona from the
scenic overview near the airport.

Hanging out above Sedona.

The family and I watching the sunset atop
Sedona. It's the only time I've watched
a sunset where the setting sun wasn't the
focus, but instead the light against the rocks.

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