Monday, October 29, 2007

A Father's Voice

My father has been going through health issues lately. And when you're 83, any health issue can turn into a big, scary health issue. As my father struggled with various ailments over the past week, I prayed and asked God to heal him and, more importantly, let His will be done.

As his health steadily improved I was finally able to talk to my father on the phone yesterday. I was surprised to find myself overwhelmed with emotion. It wasn't until after I hung up the phone that I finally understood what my tears had meant... hearing my father's voice was so special because I was unsure if I would ever get a chance to hear it again.

Hearing my father's voice was suddenly the greatest gift. To hear him tell me he loves me and he is proud of me... well, what son doesn't find those words elevating and inspiring?

And today on the way to work I thought how much greater will my emotions be when I hear God's voice again after I pass.

I know He loves me as well. I only hope He finds pride in what I have done here too.


Ramsey Days said...

I am sure that was a wonderful conversation :)!

See you soon.

Cricket said...

When I visited him I was impressed with the fact that under these conditions he maintained his sense of humor. I'm so glad that we have this witness of how to handle adversity in our lives. If you can't change the events around you might as well laugh, have some fun and lighten the burden of those around you!

Rob said...

Wow, Empowering Post! I like your writings. I am kind of going through the same thing with my dad. Thanks for the encouraging words.