Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Miss My Father Today...

The emotional effect of my Father's death has been relatively in check... but today I miss him a lot. I so want to talk to him about my family and my faith. I want to hear his laugh, his wise, loving advice and hear him say, just one more time, how much he loves my mother.

And I so long to hear him say "I love you" one more time.

I miss him today... so much it hurts.


Ramsey Days said...

Aw, Uncle Pete, that made me sad.

I hung up pictures of Gma/Gpa in my hallway upstairs from their wedding, and I see it every morning...and just today, I said out loud..."I miss you Grampa!"..so to read your post, I realize we were both thinking of him.

Love you

Brianna said...

It makes me sad too. I had to write my last paper for my psychology class last week and it happened to be an individual experience paper. I decided to write it on Parkinson's disease and how it affected our family. While writing it I broke down and couldn't help but cry and miss him, but then I thought of all the good times we had with him and the fact that he's having a blast in Heaven right now. :) I love you uncle Pete and I love you Grampa!

Mary K Smith said...

When I have cried over missing my father:
1. as I write this
2. yesterday, listening to good music knowing that dad would have loved it.
3. writing a college paper a couple of weeks ago, retelling the part of the eulogy about not stealing
4. watching the video this week
5. when mom walks in our house alone
6. at Mass on Sunday when praying for the dead
7. when I recall the grace of the last two months of his life.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to read your blog and all those responses. Dad would be so surprised to know how much he is missed. I love to watch the DVD. I feel he is here for a vist. Love you all. Ma/Gramma

Kristin said...

Pete, that made me cry. We all miss Grampa. It just shows what a wonderful man he was and how he was so important to so many people.

Mom, I get sad when I see Gramma without her sidekick too.

I love it when Grampa would try to tell a story and stumble over part of it and then let Gramma finish the story.

Anonymous said...

Kristie, that's what wives do.

Cricket said...

When I've smiled up at Dad:
1. Watching an unknown win the Masters
2. When my kids didn't do what I expected them to do.
3. When I do the yard work by myself.
4. When I see my grandson.
5. When I get frustrated at another driver on the road.
6. When I cry watching a movie.
7. When I bless my children on the forehead.
8. When I'm looking for a tool in the garage.
9. When the doctor said "You have beautiful arteries (supplying blood to my heart)!" after my angiogram.

I think of Dad alot. I miss him immensely. And sometimes my smile turns to tears...

Anonymous said...

Pete - I began to cry reading this post and everyone's comments. Memories of Grampa will surface unexpectedly, some from the vault of my mind that I haven't thought about in years. It amazes me which memories will make me laugh out loud and which will bring tears to my eyes. And, sometimes, given the day, both reactions will occur. I miss him too.

Anonymous said...

It's funny, last week, not sure which day, I was driving home from work and I had such a strong emotion of missing dad. My heart sank and I got all choked up. It must have been 4/15, which is strange, isn't it? I love him and I really miss him.