Friday, June 20, 2008

Christian Film News Talks Up Club God

The fine people over at Christian Film News has published our press release for Club God. They do a nice job of researching the information and presenting it for fellow Christian film fans in a very professional manner.

You can read the entire article at Christian Film News.


Anonymous said...

Awesome Review! My award winning brother!!!

Love ya,


Paul said...

"They do a nice job of researching the information and presenting it for fellow Christian film fans in a very professional manner."...

Are you referring to the line, "by award-winning writer and director Pete Bauer"?

Charles Bauer said...


Pete Bauer said...

Paul - LOL, no... They printed most of the press release I sent verbatim, but they interspersed it with info they could only have known from watching the short and researching the various Sonlight Pics websites.