Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Need a Nap

There are days where having Crohns for 19 years really starts to show itself. My son is in Little League All-Stars and during practices I will pitch 100 or so pitches, run the bases in drills, etc. By the end of the three hour practice, I'm exhausted.

Granted, that may be more due to the fact that I'm older and less athletic than in my youth, but the aches and pains I feel for days afterwards are more a symptom of years of my chronic illness.

Crohns not only effects your intestines, but your joints. And the medicines I had to take for a decade decreased my bone density. To quote Indiana Jones, "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." I may be chronologically 42, my body is really a good ten years older than that.

It is very frustrating. And it concerns me as to what sort of life that lays before me. If aggressive activity is problematic now, what will my quality of life be in 10 years or 20?

It's not going to be pretty. And it can be pretty depressing.

I just gotta keep on moving and hopefully my body will be able to keep up.


Ramsey Days said...

Well, did you get a nap? Hope you feel better--take it easy though.

Anonymous said...

As I get older I feel that age is a state of mind. You may not be able to do the things physically you could when you were younger, the key is to keep your mind sharp and busy. Take our very dear friend Dean, he is 72 this year and acts like he is 60. No one ever believes his age.
Now go lie down!!!

Love ya Ret

Charles Bauer said...

aaggfff, ... you woke me up...

Karl said...

One day at a time Pete, and just breath. I understand. Be well.

Kristin said...

Darn that crohns! I hope you got a nap. Crohns is related to psoriasis. I'm polkadotted 24/7/365 and you're tired all the time. Stupid diseases.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Pete - I agree with Aunt Loretta. You can compare people of the same age with and without diseases and they are all different. I really began to believe that you are as old as you believe you are after being in Spain this Spring. The people walk everywhere and are still making trips by foot to do their daily errands, even if they are very old!

So, I think that participating in baseball practices is keep you young as opposed to aging you! And sometimes you just need a nap.