Tuesday, July 01, 2008

We're On National Television... Seriously

As most of you remember, when on vacation in NY we were interviewed by Fox News about America.

The end result is that we are part of their Real American Stories initiative. We're in the intro video on the Introduction page. If you click the My Story link and scroll down a bit, you can watch our entire piece.

It's really pretty cool. You'll also see us in promos on Fox News leading up to July 4th.

What's even cooler is they want to interview us on Fox News live tomorrow afternoon sometime between 1 - 3 p.m.! National television. If I can keep from soiling myself from fear, it should be a pretty cool experience.

I'll either be brilliant or in a fetal position under my chair. Turn in tomorrow to find out which one!


Ketlevin said...

You'll be cool.

Anonymous said...

You did awesome!! You looked great!! A very photogenic family! The cameras love you!!! We will record it tomorrow!

Break a Leg!!!!

Love ya Loretta

Rob said...

And I thought you big timed us before. You will be intolerable now. :p We'll be watching.

Kristin said...

Can't wait to see you guys! Very well spoken!

Ramsey Days said...

The segment on you guys was fantastic, and I love the videos you got together for the piece...wonderful!

I'll look for you tomorrow, I'll try to be home to watch, if not, I HOPE we can see it somehow.


Karl said...

That's great! You guys look fantastic.

Charles Bauer said...

Dea, you look better than Pete.

Really, that was wonderful!

Kristin said...

We just saw your segment on tv. You did great! Lauren was standing in front of the tv saying "HI DC!!" and waving. :)

Ramsey Days said...


illc0mm said...

We loved it, that was awesome!