Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Six Quirks

Per my wonderful niece Catherine, here are six quirks about me...

6 Unspectacular Quirks:

1. This won't come as a shock to anyone that knows me, but I like to rock. Not musically... the old fashioned way of moving back and forth. I'm neurotic about it, really. It's very relaxing for me. Has been since I was a toddler, so I guess its the way God made me. Thank goodness for rocker/recliners! Leisure chairs of heaven.

2. I love movies that offer style over substance. Like Michael Bay... I'm a sucker for his stuff. I know most people think he offers the cinematic weight of cotton candy, but I can't help myself. I'm probably one of the few people that actually enjoyed "Pearl Harbor." I'm so mainstream when it comes to my artistic tastes. I'll take popcorn movies over an "important" movie every single time.

3. The first thing I think about when remembering an event is if/when I did something wrong.

4. I wasn't aware of this until recently, but I'm very passive/aggressive.

5. I play devil's advocate during discussions all the time. I don't even realize it. I think I get it from my father, who was adamant that you had substance behind your opinion. Sometimes my wife will say "Why can't you ever agree with me?" I'll say "I do agree with you." She'll respond, "Then why are you arguing with me?" And I quickly follow up with "Ah... I don't know."

6. When I eat over people's house, I always feel like I should wash the dishes in appreciation.

Bill Church, Life as a Blonde, Johnston Family, Paul Smith, DJ, and Supafly... it's your turn.

Here are the directions:
1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.


c.a.b. said...

Now that you mention no. 1, I have many memories of family visits during which you were rocking. I probably wouldn't have thought of that unless you'd mentioned it.

And no. 4...I am also very passive aggressive. I am trying very hard to change that and I think my job is helping. I'm finding I don't have time to be that way in my position.

Mary K Smith said...

Peter, do you ever move from "feeling like you should wash the dishes" to "washing the dishes?" I am not trying to be flip, just wondered if the family can support you in this. I'm thinking real hard about your visits to Hiawassee. From now on you can be sure that after dinner, I will say, "Hey, Pete - feel like washing dishes?" If you reply, "Yup, but I don't trust my feelings." It's over.

Pete Bauer said...

Haha, that's hilarious.

Yes I actually move on that impulse. It actually drives my wife nuts, because I don't sit and chat with everyone because I'm in the kitchen doing the dishes... or maybe I just don't want to chat with them.... hmmmmmm.

Cricket said...

Mary...remember Peter is a trained actor. He acts like he's doing the dishes!
I have experienced your devil's advocate bs in our discussions on the Bucs Pete. Did I say discussions? Sorry but sometimes I feel like I'm just a listener, a wall with which to bounce your opinion off of with no ability to respond. But I love the talks anyway!

Pete Bauer said...

I'm sorry Steve, did you say something? :)

Mary K Smith said...

Steve, the offer is still open to become an Atlanta Falcon's fan. I know it would be hard to repaint the pool room, but I at least nod when I am LISTENING.

Cricket said...

Thanks Mary but I've endured a losing organization long enough already! I do see though that you recognize my comments but I have to tell you I can hear Peter nodding when we talk on the phone. I'm assuming it's because he is actively listening but he could be just nodding off!