Thursday, August 28, 2008

America is Back!!!

Just when my wife thought it was safe to call me "Peter..." America is back!

It appears that Real American Stories with Fox is now on a cross country road tour. Yup, they were out at the Democratic National Convention and now they're in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

(click for larger image)

So, I email my buddy Brad at Fox News (yeah, we're close now) and ask him for the info on the tour bus. He said that it's a semi where people from across the country can go in and record their Real American Story. He also said that my picture and a quote from me was on the inside where the people record... he included the pic below.

The panel above where people record.

A closer version of "America."
(click for larger image)

I told my wife who was not only ecstatic that my picture was on display again, but that it meant "America" was back in action.

In all seriousness, this all seems excessively silly to me. Not the Real American story thing, I think that's really cool. But the fact that we were part of the experience and continue to be so to this day. It's just so insane. Fun, but completely weird!

Now, if you'll excuse me... America wants some ice cream.


Ramsey Days said...


You look JUST like Grampa in that picture to me....seriously!

Very cool....glad you guys got spotted in NYC-this has been cool.

love you

Charles Bauer said...

I was wondering, what size underwear does America wear?

Anonymous said...

Katy I thought the same thing. It is the eyes. And at the same time you look a lot like John and I think John looks a lot like Ma. So you are a blend.
Love ya


Pete Bauer said...

Who says America wears underwear?

I think our family falls into a few categories... Mary, Steve and Charles look like Dad. John, Rett and I look like Ma. Paul looks like Da, or the milkman.

Cricket said...

America BETTER wear underwear! Congrats again, and again, and again! When will America rest?

Anonymous said...

Peter by the way, 6 quirks on the Johnston Family Home.

Ketlevin said...

Which milkman?