Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Anonymous said...

Well, you know what it will be if he's elected don't you?

An Obama-nation

Cricket said...

Me thinks Johnny will sneak out of the house to get it and not tell a soul next Halloween. But we know he'll get caught 'cause Gracie will be watching him closely. Then he'll stop going out to get candy altogether!

Isn't Socialism what made this country great? After all, Eastern Europe prospered under it. Those folks were not even jealous of the Western Europeans. They were extremely productive weren't they? Surely the Western Europeans were non-productive under capitalism.

Think about it. If everyone sat around waiting for the next guy to become productive and share his wealth then everyone's standard of living would drop dramatically. I can't wait to get some of Warren Buffet's money and Alex Baldwin's and Leonardo DeCaprio's and Sean Penn's! I'll be sure to send them a 'Thank you' note. I'll give one to the guy who makes the thank you notes because I'll get a share of his/her wealth too!

Only in America could stupid ideas get a huge backing because of a pretty smooth double talker.

AMERICA TAKE NOTE!! Obama's 'share the wealth' comment was unsolicited. You heard what he REALLY thinks and plans to do! And that was just one plank on his platform. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Haha. Thats great!

Karl said...

And what do we have now? Socialism for bankers, corporations, and CEO's!


Pete Bauer said...

I wasn't happy about the bailout, but we've loaned industries money before and got it all back (auto industry), so I'm hopeful the government will make its money back. But the timing for Obama could not have been more perfect.

If socialism is good enough for fat cats, why not you?

Scary convergence of issues and ideas.