Monday, December 08, 2008


Not a lot of posts lately. Sorry. Just really busy with DC's school, Gabe's baseball, church and holiday stuff.

DC was in a wonderful one-act at school last Friday. It was very funny and she was exceptionally good. We were so proud of her. Amazing to see my little girl all grown up. :)

Gabe's baseball has been going well. He joined a local travel team where they play on larger fields and all of the baseball rules are in play (leading off, stealing, etc.). It's been a wonderful learning experience for him and he continues to improve.

Dea decorated this past weekend and the house looks great, both inside and out. She's such a workhorse and really attentive to detail. When you walk in the house you can't help but be fully immersed in the Christmas spirit. She's awesome.

Tim and his girls came over to watch the Gators trounce the Tide for a shot at the National Championship. Yes "It's Great... To Be... A Florida Gator!"

Finally, my Mom stayed with us a few days. I just love having her over. We always have so much fun... so many laughs. Her laugh is contagious. Plus, she's my mom! I love just spending time with her. That probably makes me a mama's boy, but I'm okay with that.

Now that I'm finally over two consecutive colds, I'm hoping with some more quality sleep and a little more focus, I can get a lot more accomplished, especially on the Sonlight Pictures front. I'll let you know if we do anything of note.

BTW - Bucs vs. Panthers tonight. Hope its a good game.

Have a great week, everyone.


Anonymous said...

How did Gabe do on Sunday?

Pete Bauer said...

I'm assuming Anonymous is Mom?

They played a very good game, but lost. Gabe made a double play and had really good contact on one of his hits, so that was nice.

The team is getting better every game and that's the important thing.

Anonymous said...

Tell Dea to come over to my place and decorate it, ok? Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas!