Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Home Stretch

Well, I'm at it again. The writing is on the wall... or the blog, one might say. We're now in the final stretch of this blog. I've been using it for the past few years as a way to document our lives and converting them into books as keepsakes for my kids.

I'm sure, when they look back, they'll enjoy reading the events and the challenges facing us. I think they'll find funny the things that were on the top of our minds and the old fashioned thing called a Blog.

I'm not giving up blogging (see Sonlight Pictures Blog), but I am going to give up this blog. We're sharing our stories, pictures, videos on things like Facebook. The technology has evolved and that is where it should be exchanged.

The value of this blog from a personal life interaction with family members role, it has obviously diminished. And that's okay.

Change isn't necessarily bad, it's just different.

So, I'll close down this blog at the end of the year. Only 107 days away.

I'll try to update this more in order to finish with a bang. But it's time to move on. However, you can keep up visiting us over at the Sonlight Pictures Blog to see the challenges we're facing as we try to live our faith through film.


Anonymous said...

Will do, love you Pete


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean Uncle Pete. I have a hard time keeping up with one blog let alone two! Love you tons.