Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Carpet Chaos

So, we've ordered carpet for our bedrooms and the home theater room. It was supposed to arrive last Thurs or Fri, so I took those days off. But, the installers called and said it would be Monday. So, Monday came, but so did Wilma. So, then it was supposed to be today, but they didn't get all the carpet. Then it was supposed to be Wednesday, then Thursday... now its Friday.

We'll see.

The down side is that I took Thurs - Wed off of work so that we could do the work with the carpet and then spend a little vacation time away from home. Instead, we've spent every day planning and waiting for carpet that hasn't come.

If it doesn't get installed on Friday, we'll get our money back. We're kinda over it. We just want it done so we can get our life back in order.

The up side is that I've been able to spend some good time with the kids, so that has been a blessing. Other than that, we've accomplished nothing over these five days of vacation that was intended. Considering there are people without homes due to Wilma, I don't want to sound like a whiner. It's just we've had so much planned and it's all been for naught... frustrating.

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