Saturday, October 29, 2005

Saints in the House

Last night all of the home schooled Catholic children got together to celebrate All Saints Day. Each child had to research and dress up like a Saint.

Gabe dressed up as St. Peter, one of the aposltes, first bishop of Rome, the founder and first Pope of the Catholic Church. He died on a cross, but upside down as he did not feel he deserved to die like his savior, Jesus Christ.

DC dressed up as St. Felicity, a Greek noblewoman with seven children. When the Romans threatened to kill her for not converting back from Christianity to paganism, she would not relinquish her faith. Instead, the Romans killed each of her seven children, individually, all of whom were also Christians, in an attempt to convince her back to paganism. She was eventually killed for her faith and is considered martyred seven times, since she had to watch her seven children die for their faith and then her own life was taken.

I often wonder if I would have the faith to die for it... I hope I would, but you just don't know until you're in that situation.

Would you die for your's?

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