Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fox News Promo - Update

So, as mentioned in our trip to New York City, while showing the kids the Statue of Liberty we were asked by some people from Fox News to participate in a pro-American promotion.

Well, about two weeks ago we got a call from the producer, Brad, asking us if we could send them some pictures and home videos they could incorporate them into our spot. Apparently there is going to be a website that shows all of these videos... Brad will let us know when its up and running.

So, this past week Dea and I scoured our old pics and old videos and picked out 50 pics and 20 video clips over the years that augment what we said during our interview. I put them on a DVD and sent them up to NY. Sending these personal memories off to Fox News certainly takes a fair bit of trust, but Brad had been a stand-up guy so far, so I'm confident they'll be used in a positive manner.

Can't wait to see the end results.


Ramsey Days said...

How cool is that?? I can't wait to see the results either. Let us know when you hear anything else..woohoo, you are gonna be famous :)

Brianna said...

That's so cool!! Can't wait to see it Uncle Pete!! :)

Kristin said...

We watch enough Fox News, so hopefully I'll see you on there soon!