Saturday, November 01, 2008

The World We Believe In

A lot of Christians I know are worried about the election. They're worried about Obama's excessively left-wing agenda including the Freedom of Choice Act which he promised to implement that overrides all state abortion laws and allows every abortion conceivable, including partial-birth.

They're worried about his socialist policies, of which he comments on but never denies. They're worried about infringing on the first and second amendments, on redefinition of marriage... on a lot of things.

A lot of Christians are praying about this election, hoping the society they know stays anchored in traditional values and faith. They're worried that America is turning into the countries we once fought... Russia and China.

I too have been praying, a 54-Day Novena for the Lord's will to be done during this election. And I've been worried too. But, as I was praying one day, it occurred to me that none of those concerns really matter.

Sure, they matter as far as the country and potential aborted lives and potential religious persecution... which are real issues and real concerns.

But a government's stance on anything has nothing to do with personal salvation.

Christianity was born in the Roman Empire... an Empire where slavery was common, pagan worship the norm, murder was for entertainment, orgies were a diversion, and perversion was commonplace.

The salvation of mankind is not bound by imperfect, human kingdoms or policies. It is universal, it is catholic and it is free from mans laws.

No matter what the outcome of the election, our responsibility to our beliefs, our life of faith has not changed.

Whether the FOCA is passed or not, women every day will be faced with a moral decision on whether to kill their own child or not.

Whether we are capitalist or socialist, people every day will be faced with the moral decision on whether money is their god, or Jesus.

Whether the definition of marriage changes or not, couples every day will be faced with the moral decision to remain faithful to their spouse or not.

Governments may change. Leaders may change. Social mores may change.

The Ten Commandments do not.

Jesus' teachings do not.

The magesterium of the Church does not.

So, have faith and trust in God, no matter the outcome of this election. Because, in the end, it doesn't change the focus of our own faith journey.

It may change the path, but the destination remains the same.


Anonymous said...

Exactly right. It must have also occurred to you that this might actually be the Lord's will.

Pete Bauer said...

Yes, it might.

Our moral decline, if it happens, may be a lessen to others. Or an opportunity for grace. Or both.

Anonymous said...

Precisely. Not that in and of itself it is a good thing but God is quite clever. He has a way of using things that seem bad or are bad for good, for His purpose.

Anonymous said...

That's why I tell people who know I'm praying for whomever God wants to rule our coundtry, it is a win, win situation. It may not be who I want, but if it is what God wants, how can we lose?
You are right on, Pete. Love you, Ma

Anonymous said...

This is coming from an obama supporter, but it has some truth to it. Be prepared to laugh.

Anonymous said...

The chickens have come home to roost today.

Anonymous said...

What do you make of this article regarding American History without religion?

Pete Bauer said...

Anonymous, I don't know enough about the founding fathers to know whether the author's take is accurate. So, I'll have to research further.