Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Intolerant Tolerance

Political Correctness is a growing rash on the buttocks of this country.

For all of its good intentions, with which many o' roads to heated landscapes have been paved, Political Correctness has turned into Intolerant Tolerance... you must be tolerant of my ideas, no matter how extreme, and if you disagree I am completely intolerant to your opposition.

How this ludicrous idea seeped into the mainstream mentality is beyond me. Its another reason why this country has turned into pansies. Doesn't anyone in this country have the backbone to be offended anymore? What happened to free speech? Or just plain common sense? We used to be able to agree to disagree. Now we demand universal agreement.

The outcome is that no one can do anything anywhere that may offend anyone at anytime, even if those offended are so outside of the borders of decency that they would have been arrested 20 years ago.

In the end, this effort is hurting this country. When police are not able to "profile" terror suspects due to Political Correctness, then sanity has officially left the building. Under that expectation, the next time a rape suspect is on the loose, lets make sure we round up the grandmothers and infirmed as suspects as well, as not
to offend the rapist.

It's stupidity run amuck.

And if any of this offends you, well, then tolerate it.

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